Combine new HVAC system with these two to get the best results

And here comes a problem faced by every other Toronto homeowners when it comes to the attempts of upgrading to energy-efficient appliances. Homeowners complain that even after them having upgraded their HVAC system to the most efficient units they could possibly afford, the expected efficiency is nowhere seen and energy bills have not significantly dropped. The reasons behind this could be two. One is faulty ductwork while the other is failing attic insulation. As long as these two do not support the new system enough, optimal efficiency should not be expected even if the system is brand new and super-efficient. Below we discuss why attic renewal and ductwork fixes should be combined with upgraded system installation. 

Why is attic insulation renewal important?

HVAC professionals tell that the heat loss that takes place, 25% of it takes place through the attic. This means, failing insulation even if it is combined with an efficient system will fail to deliver the expected efficiency as a bulk of heat loss with continue to take place. With a failing or uninsulated attic, the indoor warmth is lost in no time in winters while in summers, humid and hot air penetrates easily in the attic and from there into your home. And this suggests, no matter how hard your system was trying, it will continue to fail to meet the expectations. Also, a new system when it runs longer and harder speedily loses its efficiency. 

Faulty or Leaky Ductwork

Here's another factor that contributes to hindering the efficiency of a newly installed system and that is faulty or leaky ductwork. Blockage or leaks in ductwork do not let the airflow run smoothly through it and as a result, the system has to push harder and longer. Resultantly, no or very insignificant change is observed in the utility bills.

What else to do to ensure optimal efficiency?

Look out for gaps

Gaps in the attic often play a prime role in not allowing the attic to work as an absolute combater. Look out for gaps and fill them properly.

Don't forget ventilation

Most often, homeowners forget to provide the attic with proper ventilation. Remember that although the purpose of the attic is to seal, there still is a need to allow some ventilation so that the moisture doesn't make way into the attic and over humanity does not create marks.

Bottom Line

As a homeowner investing in home comfort heating and cooling, please remember that a well insulated home and well-kept ductwork can save you bucks on energy bills. Contrarily, upgrading to new systems and not renewing attic or not fixing ductwork flaws is synonymous with enjoying no significant increase in comfort and a decrease in energy bills.

A professional's recommendation, therefore, is that while having a new system installed, allow a professional to inspect the attic and ductwork so that he might suggest if any changes are needed to be made.

Act wisely and make sure when you invest your hard earned money on HVAC, you always make the most of it.


Air Duct Cleaning - Bet you did not know this

This is 2020 and the debate of whether or not the air duct needs regular cleaning is still as hot as it was. While some suggest that air ducts don't need cleaning and cleaning creates more mess, others opine that the dust and debris from the air ducts impact the homeowner's health and therefore, the ducts need to be cleaned thoroughly after a period of one year. So the question is; should everyone have their ducts cleaned and does cleaning the ducts really make a difference? Let's explore.

What does EPA say?

Environmental Protection Agency of the US has clearly explained that no evidence exists, proving that duct cleaning improved the health of the homeowners and therefore, does not endorse a duration as one year and that too as a must. The reason why there are so many articles over the internet on the importance of duct cleaning is that an entire industry has built around this issue as a result of the demand from the homeowners. Homeowners want to have their ducts cleaned and are willing to pay a heavy amount for that while on the other hand, the cleaners are willing to hunt more and more customers. As a result, a mindset hs created convincing homeowners to have their ducts cleaned and convincing them to the point that they are found attributing all kinds of respiratory or bad indoor air problems to the ducts.

Does Duct Cleaning make all the difference? 

The truth is, cleaning alone cannot help as long as the root of pollutants is not identified and removed. For instance, if the duct builds up mold and mildew which causes odor and allergies in the indoor, the solutions lie not just in cleaning but also in fixing the causes that promote the production of these; for instance high humidity.

Does duct cleaning improve HAVC performance?

Another myth needs to be debunked which is; duct cleaning drastically improves HVAC efficiency. The airflow may improve as the clogged filters are cleared and the duct is cleaned; however, a significant change in the system's efficiency should not be expected and having ducts cleaned only to improve efficiency, therefore, makes no sense.

Okay, so what is the best time for Duct Cleaning?

Duct cleaning has no fixed duration and must be done on an "as needed" basis. People living in relatively less polluted areas may not be in need of duct cleaning for years. 

If this is optional and not a must, what then is the ideal time to have the duct cleaned? Well, the ideal time is, "when it's needed". And as a homeowner, you can better decide when it's needed. When a stale air is felt from the registers, when throwing a torchlight from the register reveals massive clogs of debris stick to the walls and when the duct filters start to get dirty very frequently, you can plan to have the duct cleaned thoroughly by a trusted HVAC contractor. Such a time may come for you, only after using the same ductwork for years and years. For routine cleaning, using a vacuum from registers openings and using good quality air filters can do the best job.

So yeah fellas! It's not "a must after a year"
